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Benefits to Divorce Mediation:
At The Law Corner, divorce mediation is a process in which the parties hire DRC Certified Family Financial mediator, Brian S. Demidovich, to assist them in reaching an out of court settlement in a peaceful and practical manner. Practicing family law since 2004, Mediator Demidovich has the experience and legal knowledge to guide the parties to a resolution. Mediator Demidovich can provide information about the black letter law and the legal process and when asked, provide an opinion to help the parties resolve issues. The goal of mediation is to assist the parties in reaching agreements that meet the needs of both parties without the financial and emotional cost of legal proceedings. The goal is guiding the parties to a personalized, respectful resolution that facilitates communication and minimizes conflict. Mediation also allows the parties to retain privacy and control throughout the course of the process
Downside to Mediation:
A mediator does not "represent" either party and cannot give legal advice (but that’s ok because you always have access to an attorney at any time).
The process is also non-binding. It's voluntary and the mediator can declare an impasses or either party may request the mediator to declare an impasse. The mediator has no power to render a decision or to force the parties to accept a settlement.
The Process:
An agreement to mediate typically begins with a joint mediation consultation with the parties . The mediator first explains the rules , warnings and benefits of moving forward with Mediation Then a discussion is had on the process and estimated length of time and cost for the entire process. The mediator will then ask each party to make a general statement of the issues or areas of concern. At the end of the consultation, each party must sign mediation agreement and contract and pay a retainer. Once the contract is executed and the retainers have been paid, the initial mediation will be scheduled typically within 5 days.
The initial meeting is typically a joint meeting with both parties. The meeting are scheduled week to week and can be form one to four hours. Following joint meetings, the mediator will typically separate the parties and begin meeting with them in a series of private, confidential meetings called "caucuses". In these caucuses, the mediator works with each of the parties to analyze their case and develop options for settlement. Normally, the mediator will caucus numerous times with both sides until the case either settles or it becomes apparent that settlement will not be reached. The mediator's role is to assist the parties in their negotiations by identifying obstacles to settlement and developing strategies for overcoming them. Since the mediator's job is to keep the parties focused on exploring productive avenues to settlement, posturing and hard bargaining are often reduced or eliminated.
Divorce mediations are normally held in the mediator's office or initially by having Zoom meetings. No recording or public record is made of the proceedings. If no settlement is reached, any statements made during the proceedings are inadmissible as evidence in any subsequent litigation. The mediator cannot testify for either one of you in court.
There will be reasonable expectations for you to contribute to and simplify the process; forms and questionnaires will be made available in advance of the sessions for those that would like to begin gathering data, completing documents, making decisions, etc. This may help to reduce time and costs.
Realizations of Litigation:
If You or a Loved One would like to sit down and discuss the possibility of utilizing the mediation process, please contact us at (919) 424-8319.
Thank you for contacting The Law Corner. We will get back to you as soon as possible and look forward to assisting you further.
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At The Law Corner , we are committed to maintaining regular contact and having clear and effective communication with our clients. As experienced family law attorneys, we know effective representation and we work tirelessly on behalf of our clients who are often facing one of the most stressful challenges in their lives.
We strive to achieve the best outcome for our clients even in the most challenging family law cases. We have the knowledge and experience that matters and we are Always in Your Corner!
Trust , client confidentiality and communication are extremely important to The Law Corner . We take each and every inquiry very seriously, no matter the subject of the inquiry. Our team of Separation, Divorce and Family Law lawyers will do the utmost to provide the customer service you deserve during a difficult time. If you think The Law Corner may be able to help you with your separation and divorce needs, or if you just want to know more details about us, reach out in whichever way is most convenient for you. We look forward to your inquiry.
Allow us to show you what separates us from other family law firms.
The Law Corner | 919-424-8319 | 211 E Six Forks Rd #106, Raleigh, NC 27609 | All Material and Content is Property of The Demidovich Law Firm, PLLC |
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